Updated "Setting up Your Environment"

The page Setting up Your Environment has been updated to add information about client-specific users and the additional authentication method using tokens.


Added API Method for statistic data in Compliance Screening

With the release of FP 08/2023 a new Compliance Screening API method to retrieve statistic data has been added.
See REST and getScreeningStatisticData in SOAP.

Clarification on on threshold in screening

Improved documentation on how the field 'threshold' is used in address checks.

Added more details about RA result status

The page Result Status of Questionnaire has been enhanced to add more detail, about how to get the result status of a questionnaire.

Updated API reference for new deleteTransaction API in EC

With the release of FP 05/2023 a new EC API method to delete an EC check transaction has been added.

Fixed typo + Added information about goods attributes

Fixed typo and added information in Classification on where to see the complete list of goods attributes.

Added description about indicating how an item is completely classified

Added description about indicating how an item is completely classified


Fixed typo

On the Bulk vs. Single Address Screening page a typo was fixed.


Fixed wrong link

Fixed a wrong link on API Usage Scenarios


Clarified relation between questionnaires and check transactions

On the Sync Events for Questionnaires page, relation between questionnaires and check transactions was described in more detail.