Sync Events for Check Transactions
Which changes in an Export Controls check transaction trigger a synchronization event?
- The deletion of a check transaction in the Export Controls web application, if the check transaction belongs to a subscribed host system.
- The deletion or creation one of the items of a check transaction in the Export Controls web application, if the check transaction belongs to a subscribed host system.
- The change of the check result from critical to uncritical (or to error) and vice versa for a transaction or one of the transaction items (e.g., after the creation of approvals) in the Export Controls web application, if the check transaction belongs to a subscribed host system.
Parameters of SyncEventDTO in response to request for new synchronization events:
- businessObjectType = “ECTransactionSync”: Code which identifies the business object type the event belongs to. In this case, this is the identifier for an Export Controls check transaction.
- businessObjectId: A unique id for the transaction, the “transactionIdHost” that was provided by the host system.
- eventType: Type of the event (e.g., CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE).
- eventDate: Date when the event happened.
- parameter: Additional parameters of a check transaction. Generic record of ECTransactionSyncResultDTO (see more information about parameters mapping in REST and SOAP documentation).
To make the synchronization API easier to use for Export Controls check transactions, some supplementary synchronization calls were added to the Export Controls API (see also Export Controls API usage scenario Integration with Synchronization).
Updated 3 months ago