Sync Events for Questionnaires
The RAQuestionnaireSyncParameterDTO contains the data to identify the transaction the questionnaire belongs to. The most relevant parameter to identify transactions a questionnaire belongs to is the "referenceIdHost" which is the identifier used in the partner system. If a questionnaire was created from the Export Control BF, the parameter "referenceIdHost" is identical to the "transactionIdHost" of the Export Controls transaction.
Which changes in a Risk Assessment questionnaire trigger a synchronization event?
- The deletion of the most recent questionnaire for a transaction, if the questionnaire was still valid and the transaction belongs to a subscribed host system.
- The invalidation of the most recent questionnaire for a transaction, if the transaction belongs to a subscribed host system.
- The completion of the most recent questionnaire for a transaction, if the transaction belongs to a subscribed host system.
Parameters of SyncEventDTO in response of request for new synchronization events:
- businessObjectType = “RAQUEST”: Code which identifies the business object type the event belongs to. In this case, this is the identifier for a Risk Assessment questionnaire.
- businessObjectId: Unique ID of a questionnaire in Trade Compliance Management.
- eventType: Type of the event (e.g., CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE).
- eventDate: Date when the event happened.
- parameter: additional parameters of a questionnaire. Generic record of RAQuestionnaireSyncParameterDTO (see more information about parameters mapping in REST and SOAP documentation).
Updated 3 months ago